
Re-imagining Roaming QoS with Quality Operations Centre

Rocco Genesis 2024 – Cellusys team “The Time Travellers”

Following our success in the 2023 iteration of the Rocco Hackathons, where we took home the gold in both the roaming and messaging competitions, we were eagerly awaiting the return of the competition in 2024. The hackathon format encourages quick thinking, creativity, ambition and innovation. These traits are parts of the DNA in Cellusys, making this competition a particular favourite of ours.

This year we decided to focus only on the roaming challenge to make sure we could put all of our efforts into developing the best possible solution. We were forced to explore new concepts and learn many new things, and were delighted with the end-product – and even more delighted with the positive response the solution received from the judges and audience at Rocco Genesis, with the solution taking first place once again.

The 2024 Roaming Challenge: Maximizing Quality with Limited Resources

Alain Barbier from Orange France proposed the challenge, focused on roaming quality. It posed the question – “How to cater for the growing demands of Roaming QoS with limited resources?”. This was a topic of great interest to us. There are a number of factors that drive this. We see this in interactions with the majority of our customers:

Drawing Inspiration from the Future

We named the the Cellusys Hackathon team “The Time Travellers”. The origin of this name came from the inspiration we took for the solution. We looked to the future and borrowed ideas from it to develop our Quality Operations Centre. The key future concept we centred on was 5G Network Slicing – in particular the following concepts:

Applying Future Concepts to Today’s Roaming Challenges

These are interesting concepts, but we recognise that the industry is not quite there yet with these 5G capabilities. Moreover, introducing roaming also takes some of the slicing control out of the hands of the home network. That being said, we considered how we could apply these concepts today. We thought about how we could use some of these ideas to practically solve the roaming challenges of today.

Empowering Customers to Define Quality

Enhancing Roaming with APIs and Automation

Quality Operations Centre

Efficiency Through Reusable Systems and Automation

One of the nice things about the solution is that it is accessible. It focuses on re-use – re-use your steering system to control where the subscriber roams. Re-use your analytics system, and connect this to your steering system by API for automatic issue resolution. Where we need new capabilities, these are relatively simple. We can add APIs to allow your customers to specify the quality they want. In addition, they can gather more data about your roamers from your roaming partner.

These concepts are largely inspired by 5G. Because of this, we would argue that we need not wait. We can apply these modern ideas to solve the growing roaming challenges we face. Additionally, we can manage the growing demand for quality. This is what we intend to achieve with the Quality Operations Centre. This provides many benefits, including: